Chryssa Eleftheriou

Corporate Affairs Sustainability Manager

HeDA Sustainability Committee Chair

Sustainability has emerged as a paramount global imperative, driven by a set of factors, including geopolitical crises, climate change, and evolving regulations. In an era marked by increasing environmental challenges, the importance of sustainability cannot be overstated. Additionally, the emergence of strict environmental regulations and international agreements has propelled sustainability to the forefront of business and policy agendas. These developments emphasize the importance of adopting sustainable practices to mitigate environmental degradation, enhance resilience, and secure a brighter, more equitable future for our planet. Thus, sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity, shaping our response to pressing global challenges and fostering a more sustainable and resilient world.


As the President of the HeDA Committee, I feel a deep sense of responsibility to champion sustainability values throughout our organization and beyond. Hence, the HeDA Committee will play a pivotal role in promoting sustainable practices and values. Our objectives are multi-faceted and impactful. Firstly, we function as a vibrant sustainability forum, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experiences among members. This knowledge-sharing not only fosters a culture of ESG awareness but also acts as a springboard for collaborative actions with other corporations in Greece. Secondly, we aim to serve as a crucial link between our organization, government bodies, and stakeholders that will allow us to shape policies and strategies that drive sustainable development.


Our overarching goals involve providing opportunities for fostering sustainability and ESG culture within the HeDA community, enabling the exchange of expertise, and catalyzing business synergies and partnerships among our members. Through these concerted efforts the HeDA Committee will contribute significantly to not only the growth of our organization but also to the broader mission of advancing sustainable practices in the corporate landscape of Greece.


Chryssa Eleftheriou,

HeDA Sustainability Committee Chair

Interamerican Group Sustainability and Stakeholders Relations Leader



Lina Leoutsakou

Corporate Affairs Sustainability Manager

Νέο έργο (1) (1)

Evangelia Papadaki

ESG Supervisor - Strategy & Transformation

Despoina Karakosta

Strategy & Transformation Director

Despoina Karakosta
Costas Vamvakas

Costas Vamvakas

Founder & CEO
Chemical Engineer, MBA

Danai Drosou

Corporate Affairs Specialist, South Central Europe

Δανάη Δρόσου
Ioannis Pantazopoulos

Yiannis Pantazopoulos

Regional Manager Greece, Cyprus, and Turkey

Ioannis Georgousis

Mechanical engineer, MPhil, MSc

Christos Stamatis

Stamatis Christos

CEO & Co-Founder

Terpsihori Magdalinou


Νέο έργο (19)

Nicoletta Metaxatou

Manager Energy Sector

Alexandra Katsineli

Communications & Corporate Affairs Manager, South East Europe

Alexandra Katsineli

Zeta Gemeliari

Strategy Director

Yannis Sotirakos


Yannis Sotirakos

Nefelie Charalabopoulou

Partner, Zepos & Yannopoulos Law Firm
Head of Healthcare and Life Sciences Practice

Elias Athanasiou

Managing Partner

Elias Athanasiou CFA
Νέο έργο (30)

Dimitris Kleftakis

President - Managing Director, Greece

Alexia Macheras

Sustainable Retail & Corporate Communication Manager

Νέο έργο (31)
Ανώνυμο σχέδιο - 2024-10-07T104527.271

George Chryssis

Chief Sustainability Officer

Rannia Savvaki

Senior Economic Policy Officer

Νέο έργο (32)
Νέο έργο (33)

Christos Apostolopoulos

Total Quality (SHEQA), Food Safety & Dairy Affairs Manager



Νέο έργο (1) (1)

Lina Leoutsakou

Corporate Affairs Sustainability Manager


Evangelia Papadaki

ESG Supervisor - Strategy & Transformation

Despoina Karakosta

Despoina Karakosta

Strategy & Transformation Director

Costas Vamvakas

Costas Vamvakas

Founder & CEO
Chemical Engineer, MBA

Δανάη Δρόσου

Danai Drosou

Corporate Affairs Specialist, South Central Europe

Ioannis Pantazopoulos

Yiannis Pantazopoulos

Regional Manager Greece, Cyprus, and Turkey


Ioannis Georgousis

Mechanical engineer, MPhil, MSc

Christos Stamatis

Stamatis Christos

CEO & Co-Founder

Νέο έργο (19)

Terpsihori Magdalinou



Nicoletta Metaxatou

Manager Energy Sector

Alexandra Katsineli

Alexandra Katsineli

Communications & Corporate Affairs Manager, South East Europe


Zeta Gemeliari

Strategy Director

Yannis Sotirakos

Yannis Sotirakos



Nefelie Charalabopoulou

Partner, Zepos & Yannopoulos Law Firm
Head of Healthcare and Life Sciences Practice

Elias Athanasiou CFA

Elias Athanasiou

Managing Partner

Νέο έργο (30)

Dimitris Kleftakis

President - Managing Director, Greece

Νέο έργο (31)

Alexia Macheras

Sustainable Retail & Corporate Communication Manager

Ανώνυμο σχέδιο - 2024-10-07T104527.271

George Chryssis

Chief Sustainability Officer

Νέο έργο (32)

Rannia Savvaki

Senior Economic Policy Officer

Νέο έργο (33)

Christos Apostolopoulos

Total Quality (SHEQA), Food Safety & Dairy Affairs Manager



Committee News

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SAVE THE DATE – Open Talks: Sustainability and Generation A

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Action Report